Monday, March 05, 2007

Come Back One Day and say ‘Hello’

Tonight, Bob Woodruff appeared on The Daily Show. Funny I should start my first post back with this one particular fact. But it is one that stands out tonight. I will get back to it soon.

I promised to tell you about the life of a Hospitalist in a community hospital and that I shall do.

Medicine in a community hospital is a little different than in Academia. During residency, the patient belonged to an internist if he/she was on the medicine floor. But if things turned for the worse and that same patient was transferred to the ICU he would then be under the care of a new attending, the ICU attending serving in the unit.

But things in a community hospital are a little different. Here, I am your attending in the ICU as well as when you improve. I will be your doctor on the medicine floor too. And sometimes, if you go to the rehab floor here, I’ll still see you from time to time, just to make sure the old ticker is still ticking. Of course I consult with an intensivist if my patient is in the ICU, however, the final call on what goes in and what stays out remains mine, my responsibility, my decision.

In my short nine months as a Hospitalist I’ve accompanied many patients through their journey in this community hospital. I recall many whom I can honestly say would not be alive today if it wasn’t for something I did or didn’t do for them, whether they know it or not.

Some of you may misunderstand and figure I managed to pick up a god complex during those months too but that’s not what I’m driving at.

I guess the biggest drawback to the Hospitalist life is what dawned on me tonight. Looking at Bob Woodruff, I was looking at a man dressed in a suit, handsome, intelligent, well spoken, interesting, a man with a family who loves him and who seems to care much for his family. The entire time, I really mean this, the ENTIRE time I watched him I imagined the way he must have looked in that ICU in Bethesda. I saw him intubated, on a respirator, bandages across his head, half his scull removed. I saw lines, feeding tubes and urinary catheters. I saw nurses hanging IVs and getting CVPs. I saw the tears in his family’s eyes as physician after physician told them that their father was ‘critical’. Lucky if he makes it.

The single BIGGEST drawback to the Hospitalist life is this moment. When your patient has walked through the shadows of hell and has come out alive. And not just alive, Intelligent, Handsome, well spoken and a real family man, even dresses well.

This moment would have never happened if not for those same doctors and nurses in Bethesda. But if not for television, they would never have gotten to see what it was all for. Because patients almost never return as their true, every day selves. Only in another hospital gown.

I am still waiting for just one of my patients to come back to say hello. I hope one day one will.

Hope he comes dressed in a suit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After a recent hospital stay I went back to say hello to my PCP and his nurse would not allow me to say hello. She said he was just too busy.
Go figure.

12:05 PM  
Blogger Radioactive Tori said...

I always wonder if my thank you notes mean anything to the doctors I write them to. They mean a lot to me, so I continue to write them, but I often wonder if they get tossed in the garbage or what the doctors do to them.

7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:24 PM  
Blogger Eyes for Lies said...

Great post! I love it.

My mom had a perforated ulcer a year ago and ended up in emergency surgery. I have thought about her surgeon many times. I didn't think he'd care to see her/us again. But I did send him a heart-felt card at Christmas thanking him for giving us my mom back! I hope it made his afternoon.

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After having an MI, I went back to ER and CCU and delivered candy and thank you's, hugs too. I saw the internist on a regular basis but I honestly don't know if I said a simple "thank you"...I sure hope so for he meant the world to me.

Loved your post! Hope there's more to follow :)

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this scenario plays out in many medical practices - not just hospitals. At our rehab clinic it's not uncommon for patients to disappear at or just before the completion of their therapy because they are "feeling well enough, now." These are people who have been through every step of the healthcare system and found relief only in our clinic ... and as soon as they find recovery, gone.

I can assure you, Radioactive & Eyes, that every note, every letter and every email we receive goes straight to Dr Kahn and warms his heart. My point is that although not every doctor or therapist will appreciate every note of thanks, some do - and for those, it is the recovered patient that they live & work for.

11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had emergency surgery for an accidental bone break, and was operated on by a surgeon I didn't know. I didn't have a primary care doctor. The surgeon was so wonderful. He checked the wound twice a day and I knew if I'd had any questions (didn't have) he would have taken the time to respond. The hospital staff also were terrific. Even the food was great.

I thanked the surgeon each time I saw him for followup care (three times), and sent a Christmas card to his office thanking him again.

I don't know whether the card mattered to him, he's a busy man, but I think his office staff probably appreciated it. They seemed to think a lot of him, too.

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did a blog post a while back that relates to this subject. It was about how to get more attention from your doctor.

The consensus is that patients who are a pain in the neck usually get less attention from the doctor than the ones who are friendly and show their appreciation.

One of my commentors mentioned that she often takes pies or cookies back as thank-you gifts. She never has to wait to get appointments.

Hope you get back to blogging soon.

- Dean

3:10 PM  
Blogger Thirumal Reddy Dubbaka said...

i was from india and i had several occasions where the patients came back to me thanking how much they were helped out but trust me,it can get on to u r nerves sometimes especially with the ones who keep coming back with relatives etc with more problems seeking some free advice off the hook.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Arige Prakash said...

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8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's an interesting way to look at health care, and too often people forget about who was treating them and the experience they provided them with.

6:48 AM  
Blogger Cube said...

Agree with dean - patients who are a pain in the neck usually get less attention from the doctor than the ones who are friendly and show their appreciation. Subconsciously i end up doing the same in the clinic too

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! I've enjoyed your blog immensely.

To you (and your readers) -- my name is Jon and I'm a TV Producer for the Discovery Health Channel. I'm working on the second season of a show named "Mystery ER". I’m looking for some true stories involving interesting cases that have come through the ER.

We're looking for true stories -- of patients that come in with symptoms that have TRULY baffled the doctors.

Immediately we're hoping to get a story that has a criminal root (not malpractice per se, but rather -- for example -- a poisoning).

But we'd be interested in hearing ANY of your tales that involve an extended mystery in the ER.

I look forward to hearing from you! Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Jon Maas
Mystery ER
Discovery Health Channel
Mike Mathis Productions

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I went for my 1 year checkup after a hip replacement I told my doc all the ways the new hip had improved my life (like "I can go to the grocery store now. Or to a movie.") and how happy I was now that I wasn't in pain all the time. He said that hearing how pateints' lives changed was the best part of his job. I had an untreated SCFE and didn't get it fixed until my mid forties. I am a different person without the pain.

But what I really wish I had done was send a card to his parents thanking them for getting him up everyday to go to school and making him do his homework, and feeding him good food so he'd be smart and healthy and not messing up his head. I'm sure they did it so he could have a good life, but it gave me one too.

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:20 PM  
Blogger Surgery Resident said...

As a new doctor, I find it very rewarding to see how well some people do. As Internal Medicine Doctor has pointed out, so often we only see patients returning in hospital gowns, not as they normally are as functional people living in the community. Sometimes I wonder how helpful I can be, but when I see successes, it reminds me of our profession's great power to heal.

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is great the work that some doctors do compared with others, I had surgery a few months months back (minor) but my doctor was fun, caring and overall made the experience a good one, no fear or anxiety was felt by me and this with the friendly nurses assistance meant the procedure was smooth and if I could use the term pleasant.

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found this touching. As a doctor, I have seen this story replay itself many times. However, this is true for many professions.

My wife is a teacher and apon graduation, most students never come back to see the teachers or counselors of the school either.

Most people don't want to think back to their tough times or the people who helped them through them.

7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it's about time that you came back to say hello, Joseph. I miss reading your blog.

5:08 PM  
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5:53 AM  
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12:40 AM  
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10:36 PM  
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thanks for posting this passage.
i've been a patient too.

11:29 PM  
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2:03 AM  
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3:31 AM  
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11:06 PM  
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10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blogs gets spammed hard if you don't monitor it :( I liked the post you wrote, but would have to say that the way you described watching Bob Woodruff is hard to imagine for me, but I have never been in the hospital setting like you. Life is to be cherished.

6:26 PM  
Blogger flowers to india said...

3:08 AM  
Blogger Pamela Jaye said...

>I promised to tell you about the life of a Hospitalist in a community hospital and that I shall do.

still waiting... :-)

8:38 AM  
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Thank you.


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11:12 AM  
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10:43 PM  
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4:24 AM  
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2:42 PM  
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3:15 AM  
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8:52 PM  
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8:05 AM  
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oh... Why did you stop posting?

this blog and the earlier blog are exactly what I'm thinking about ALL the time as I go through my residency and now crappy fellowship (literally, GI).

Just goes to show, same shit, different pile. (No pun intended)

Anyway, I have a blog, some stuff is about medicine, pls visit sometime.

5:58 PM  
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8:55 PM  
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11:59 PM  
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1:04 AM  
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11:09 PM  
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6:13 AM  
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8:57 AM  
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4:07 AM  
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1:50 PM  
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