Friday, February 03, 2006

Consumer Watch Dog Video

Go check out this animation. It's great and funny, in a really disturbing sort of way. I recommended sending it to Micheal Moore for his upcoming documentary.

Thanks to Consumer Watch Dog for creating it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pirate Video,
Very humorous, but sadly true.
I won't go into my HMO experience, but if we had not gone outside our plan to a private MD (I saw him pre
HMO days). I would either be dead or highly disabled.
By the way, this MD quite taking HMO, PPO plans. He told me that he wasn't allowed to treat patients as he felt was best. Wow! I've had two other MD's say "I would do this, but the plan won't allow it". How terribly sad for the patients and the doctors. MD's go to school for so long but can't fully use their skills.

You are right, Micheal Moor should see this video.

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Medicine said...

It's great and funny, in a really disturbing sort of way.

2:08 AM  
Anonymous said...

Quite helpful piece of writing, thanks so much for this post.

11:43 AM  
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